Don't Mess with "Prehistoric" Texas? Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State PlusLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found

Don't Mess with "Prehistoric" Texas? Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State PlusLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found
Don't Mess with "Prehistoric" Texas? Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State PlusLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found

Don't Mess with "Prehistoric" Texas? Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State Plus, Lost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Foun

by Chris Parker,, 2007


The Rock wall at Rockwall.

It would seem that even in "prehistoric" times, things were done in a big way in Texas. In several instances it's clear that messing with Texas back in the day would have required dealing with a megalithic wall some twenty miles long and with whomever was behind it.

 One of the most frequently linked articles on (along with the section on giants) is an article about an ancient, largely buried 20 mile long (3.5 miles x 5.6 miles) wall near Rockwall Texas. In fact that wall, initially discovered around 1852, is the reason Rockwall, Texas is called Rockwall, Texas.

Mainstream archaeologists mostly consider the wall to be a natural formation.

If it is a man made wall, and not simply a natural feature, who in the world built it? It's obviously not of recent construction it was largely buried which along with its weathering would suggest that it is of great age.

Also of note, the 'technology' required for its construction seems to be above that typically associated with the Native Americans or for that matter the earlier, technologically superior mound builders, who are a mystery all to themselves. It seems clear that a simple hunting and gathering society would not have had the time or excess manpower needed to build such a megalithic structure.

 A 1907 New York Times article entitled 'Digging for Buried City' reported that Mr. J.E. Hess was excavating around the wall in hopes of locating a buried city. He reported that the wall is made up of regularly sized and shaped native sandstone slabs- and that the wall was buried to a depth of about three feet, and that it was known to be approximately 40 feet high.

1925 New Headline.

In 1925 in contravention of the �experts� who had come and examined the wall and proclaimed it to simply be a natural sandstone formation, according to a New York Times article, a Dr. Lena James, believing otherwise, discovered several triangular, monogrammed stones which had been placed into the wall.

Dr. James discovered these stones at a depth of 50 feet. Her discovery at least temporarily reawakened interest in the wall and hope that a prehistoric city might be found in RockWall, Texas.

The rock wall in Rockwall will no doubt continue to be a mystery, but early newspaper accounts make it clear that it wasn't the only unknown, mysterious, buried, megalithic structure in Texas.




Prehistoric Ruins; A Wall 20 Miles Long and Almost as Massive as the Chinese Wall

The above was the title on an April 23, 1893 article reprinted in the Los Angeles Times from the St. Louis Republic. According to the article, a massive mostly buried wall was found near Milano, Texas, only 150 miles distant from Rockwall, Texas.

The article began:

A Texas correspondent writes to one of the scientific departments of the government of a strangely interesting prehistoric wall discovered on the frontier of the Lone Star State. This marvelous ruin surpasses in interest all the other wonderful remains hitherto found of the people who one inhabited the whole Mexican plateau and attained a high state of civilization.


1893 Headline. 

It passes though Milano and has a total length of about 20 miles. It is built of solid masonry, ten to fifteen feet high and as many feet thick. Its height and thickness are thus almost as great as the Chinese Wall on the North of China. The direction is Northeast and Southwest.

It is for the most part underground and that is one of the curious things that puzzle those wise men who are supposed to know about prehistoric remains It is undoubtedly very old.

The writer goes on to suggest that the 20 mile long wall might have only been the 'gigantic foundations' of a much larger structure which had been eventually pulled down by invading enemies or by time.

It is also mentioned in the 1893 article that a huge megalithic temple had also been found on a nearby hill which had been supported by 200 or more 'lofty pillars', some of which remained at that time.

Inside the temple were according to the article many statues of idols, all curiously marked as well as the bones of large animals (many of them petrified) including reptiles. It was speculated that human and animal sacrifices took place at the temple.

Returning to the wall, there was reported to have been an eight foot section of it containing numerous inscriptions. Near the wall were iron smelting furnaces.

Quoting again from the article:

 'An enormous amount of labor and materials must have been required for its construction if built above ground on the same gigantic plan as the foundation. Although there were toward a million people then living in that vicinity; the work must have extended over a considerable period of time'.

Curiously, there seems to be precious little additional information in the way of news or scientific items or photos available concerning the Milano Wall or the megalithic temple, even from te local historical society. If the wall was truly of the size and thickness reported it surely must be a noticeable feature of the area. One would also have expected some follow-up from the archaeological community, no?

Such seems to be the fate of certain archeological anomalies. What choice do conventional archaeologists have other with respect to this artifact other than to 1) call it a natural feature 2) claim that the Native Americans built it or 3) Ignore it?

Even the Aztecs and the Incas who had built few large edifices this far north would have been hard pressed to build a 20 mile long ten to fifteen feet high and thick masonry wall.

So who built it?


Prehistoric Habitation in the Lone Star State

The Los Angeles times reports that in 1909, a Mr. Ward, searching for the perhaps mythical Los Alemegros Mines did discover traces of gold, silver, copper and lead near Abilene, Texas.

Along with the discovery of the various ores, Mr. ward found a prehistoric building at a depth of twenty feet. A solid stone or adobe wall was initially discovered and then an entire large building rising to twelve feet in height was discovered.

The discoverers believed that they had found the remains of a prehistoric city. The relics taken out of the building were thought to at least date back to the time of the Aztecs.


Big doings in ancient Texas. Several hours drive from this site where thousands of skeletons were found in the year 1900 buried in some ancient Texas city after some great deluge is Rockwall Texas named for a 20 mile long megalithic wall (or a natural one). See: Don’t Mess with “Prehistoric” Texas? Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State

The giant skull at the top of this blog post was found in Victoria County, Texas in 1940. The headline included “Believed to to be the Largest Ever Found in the World”. The article claimed that the skull was two times normal sized. We included it here to because there were no pictures with the story below but it was also claimed that some enormous skulls were found at a site not too far away as the chevy pickup goes…Are any of these items, the giants an the rock wall connected? Who knows-but the history in your textbooks is probably far from accurate.

The Sunday Inter Ocean
September 28, 1900
Lost Race of Texas
Prehistoric City Near Galveston Engulfed by Tidal Wave


“Relics of a prehistoric race were discovered in Galveston Texas just previous to the storm that flooded the city.

Nearly 2000 human skeletons were found and scientists who examined the evacuations had just give an opinion that and ancient city had been submerged by tidal wave that drowned all the inhabitants when the calamity of centuries ago was repeated.

The bones were discovered in a search for relics for the archaeological exhibit at the Pan-American exposition which is to be held in Buffalo New York next summer. The skulls are beyond a doubt several thousand years old and the character of the people who occupied the coast of the gulf at this period is an interesting subject for speculation.

Whoever they may have been and whenever they may have lived the remains found show beyond a question that some terrible outbreak of a nature causes the sudden death of thousands of these ancient people and their burial in the strata where by chance they were exhumed by the people of a far distant age.

It was a very short time ago that the evacuations were begun which resulted in the singular an extraordinary discoveries. The finding of the remains in the first place was quite accidental. H.J. Simmons superintendent of Arizona and New Mexico railway was making evacuations along the lines of the railroad near Clear Creek, Galveston County when bones were found in the earth removed.

On examination of the contents of the steam shovel skulls and human teeth were noticed and further search lead to the discovery of skeletons of whole families together with ivory beads and other objects of human handiwork. Realizing the valuable and scientific character of the discovery a systematic search of the strata in the vicinity was made.

Geologist say that the whole section of the state was once covered by the Gulf of Mexico. The idea at once came to Mr. Simmons that in the far distant ages a tidal wave had occurred at the time the golf covered more of that part of the country then at present and that these bones were the remains of thousands of human beings who had been drowned in the overflow of the waters of the gulf. His story was later upheld by leading scientists.

Evidently these people were not mere barbarians living in temporary abodes and having no permanent abiding places. The number of the skeletons in their close proximity to one another in indicates that there existed here a populist community and that in some faraway age a people devoted to the pursuits of industry and more or less skilled in the arts we’re here living in the city having institutions of government and social customs and some degree of civilization.

…….Skulls of Great Size

Some of the skulls of these prehistoric Texans were of enormous size and the majority of them had rather low foreheads. A singular fact observed was that while all of the teeth were considerably worn showing the use of hard food and the age of the persons there was in no case the slightest indication of decay a quite different situation from that observe in relics of more modern but still pre-prehistoric Indians among whom dental caries is comparatively common.

Several thousand skeletons were removed in the process of evacuation. 1500 were actually counted in the first part of that evacuation and doubtless several thousand more were removed. As a rule they were soft and damp when they were first uncovered but many became fairly hard after being exposed a while to the sun. No bones of children were found and this was accounted for by the supposition that they had all decayed

…The situation of this remarkable archaeological discovery was a deposit of shell gravel and sand in a bank consisting of all about 30 acres nearly surrounded by Clear Creek. This deposit consists of seven distinct strata each about 3 feet thick and between each stratum there’s a deposit of silk or earth from a quarter of an inch to an inch of thickness. On top of the bank the soil was almost 8 inches deep and large live oak trees grow thickly over it. It was one of the last places to which one would go looking for the remains of a prehistoric race.

No two of the strata are exactly alike some having a larger percentage of gravel and others and the shells also vary.

The exhibit of these bones in ethnology building of the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo will be a most valuable one in view of the wind interested cited by the fate of thousands will pierce recently in the same part of the country in the same way.”

A puzzle for the “antiquarians was that the bodies were found in abundance in one level and then again in another level 21 feet lower causing some to suggest that perhaps there had been two “tidal waves”.



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  • Don't Mess with "Prehistoric" Texas? Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State PlusLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found
  • Don't Mess with "Prehistoric" Texas? Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State PlusLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found
  • Don't Mess with "Prehistoric" Texas? Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State PlusLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found
  • Don't Mess with "Prehistoric" Texas? Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State PlusLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found
  • Don't Mess with "Prehistoric" Texas? Prehistoric, Megalithic Construction in the Lone Star State PlusLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found

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