A Brief History of the Griffin/Dragon/Pterosaur; 3,300 B.C. To June 2011 A.D.—With Photos

A Brief History of the Griffin/Dragon/Pterosaur; 3,300 B.C. To June 2011 A.D.—With Photos
A Brief History of the Griffin/Dragon/Pterosaur; 3,300 B.C. To June 2011 A.D.—With Photos

A Brief History of the Griffin/Dragon/Pterosaur; 3,300 B.C. To June 2011 A.D.—With Photos
By Chris Parker 2/27/2018

(Photos are at the end of this article and may be out of order.)

I’m not sure how “science” convinced most of the world that “dragons” were completely mythological and had no relationship to the obviously very similar dinosaurs that once? roamed the earth.

Almost every ancient culture had stories, history and art that testified to the existence within the history of man of dinosaurs/dragons.

How did science convince the world that large, reptilian dragons, some flying- had nothing whatsoever to do with large, reptilian dinosaurs, sometimes flying?
At most, they insist, its just some kind of “race memory”?

Of course, ironically, “racial memory” is not science.

Mostly they have separated man and “dinosaur” by placing dinosaurs millions of years in the past and claiming that man was not even around at the time.
If you are a believer you probably believe that the universe has only been around less than 10,000 years, but still the dinosaur question is one that can cause confusion and doubt. Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Yes, in a number of places; called dragons; but especially in the book of Job.

All most all ancient cultures had dragons in their art and history; some land bound and some winged versions (likely pterosaurs). But among those dragons, and then among those flying dragons, one particular, recognizable flying dragon appeared in many cultures and on multiple continents through a long time span: the Griffin.

The Griffin is a particular type of “dragon” and if you will pterosaur that featured a particular type of curved beak, horns or ears. The griffin was said to be part lion and part eagle.

I want to keep this post short; I mostly want to discuss the photos included. The fact that a particular dragon was common among many ancient cultures did not fit the paradigm.

When you think about it there is no reason ancient cultures should all have similar myths about dragons, number one, but what would they all have similar myths about a specific, recognizable flying dragon?

Adrienne Mayor, a Folklorist, for crying out loud published a book in 2000; The First Fossil Hunters….. which provided cover for evolutionary story-tellers. She suggested that the griffin problem could be solved by positing that these ancient, dispersed cultures came upon the fossils of protoceratops, a dinosaur with a prominent beak like the griffin and imagined from it the same winged creature.

Evolutionists, with a few dissenters, ate it up like slop.

One more item on the griffin/pterosaur connection. Pterosaurs have significantly different manus and pes—hands and feet. Their “hands” are connected to their wings.

When on the ground, the fact that their wings will be part of their front legs will give them an entirely different look on the front half vs the back half of the animal.

There are many types of pterosaurs; they come in a variety of shapes and sizes and there have been hundreds and thousands of eyewitnesses that claim that they still exist—up to this day.

In this post, we discuss one particular type of pterosaur that was catalogued in ancient times, and which apparently appeared, still very much alive, on video; June 5, 2011.

I clipped the photos related to this post myself from a video that was originally posted back in 2011. The creature is apparently luminous and appears to take different shapes during the 2:42 run of the video. Some described it as a “mushroom shaped UFO”.

However, it is the same creature from various angles, with varying amounts of reflection and luminosity with some occasionally fairly clear shots of what the creature actually is. The shaking you see in the video is due to the long distance zoom.
Photo  shows that the griffin has been unaccountably consistent in appearance over more than 5,000 years in multiple cultures.

Photo  is a clear shot of the unexpected appearance of the flying creature, on camera for more than 2 and a half minutes on the video.

Photo  is an attempt to show that it has ears or horns just like it is commonly depicted throughout history.

Photo  is another attempt by me, to show you what you just might be looking at.

Photo  is a compilation of video grabs I took from the video.
You will have to make up your own minds about what it is you are looking at, but at a minimum, you will have to admit that it is a large, unknown flying creature.

Who are you going to believe: science or your own lying eyes?

See Also:Tracking the Ancient Griffin, Modern Monsters and the “Extinct” Pterosaur Through Art, History and Science
Pterosaurs Still Living; The oldest living-pterosaur web site

  • A Brief History of the Griffin/Dragon/Pterosaur; 3,300 B.C. To June 2011 A.D.—With Photos
  • A Brief History of the Griffin/Dragon/Pterosaur; 3,300 B.C. To June 2011 A.D.—With Photos
  • A Brief History of the Griffin/Dragon/Pterosaur; 3,300 B.C. To June 2011 A.D.—With Photos
  • A Brief History of the Griffin/Dragon/Pterosaur; 3,300 B.C. To June 2011 A.D.—With Photos
  • A Brief History of the Griffin/Dragon/Pterosaur; 3,300 B.C. To June 2011 A.D.—With Photos

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A Brief History of the Griffin/Dragon/Pterosaur; 3,300 B.C. To June 2011 A.D.—With Photos

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