Possible Cryptid ID for Glowing Red Object Over “Russia” on March 4, 2022

Possible Cryptid ID for Glowing Red Object Over “Russia” on March 4, 2022
Possible Cryptid ID for Glowing Red Object Over “Russia” on March 4, 2022

Strange red object spotted in the sky in Russia
Angel Cholakov March 4, 2022

I have to admit a couple of things now after having studied hundreds of videos, if my hypothesis is correct, the amount of light given off by these creatures on a number of occasions surpasses the amount of energy that one might suppose could reasonably given off by a biological creatureand 2; the variety of unknown aerial phenomenon suggests that there is more going on than living pterosaurs givig off bioluminescent light.

Here, I am mainly speaking of flying humanoid type phenomena that suggests that there are creatures out there with the ability to “float” in a barely controlled way across the sky, often being carried by and turned by the wind. That’s another story.

This is not the usual fare of a Christian or a creationist, it simply flows from my curiosity concerning God’s creation and a settled confidence that enough people have seen these creatures in the daytime to convince the interested researcher that these animals still exist.

I repeat this oft-told story-(by me I mean) of the Amazon tribe trying to hit an airplane with spears because they couldn’t process the idea that a large object with wings could be anything but a biological creature while we, the sophisticated, educated and illuminated could not conceive of anything that gave off light while flying could be anything but mechanical….

Photos 1-5 are stills from the video some paired with my tentative cryptid ID. The photos either speak for themselves- or they don’t.
Lake Erie Pterosaur bioluminescent glow. This is from a video taken of the mystery lights over lake Erie in 1998-99. Comparison to pterosaur image. The lights showed only the outline.

Here is the link to Angel Cholakov’s video. It appears, if you take my view that the creature has a headlight, not unlike that described re the Van Meter monster.

The final photo is a repeat showing of an unknown flying object seen over a number of days near Lake Erie:

"On Monday, December 14, 1998, at 6:30 p.m., a woman witness was outdoors in Avonia, Pennsylvania (population 1,366), a small town 10 miles (16 kilometers) west of Erie, Pa, and about one mile south of Lake Erie, when she saw a UFO.

…she was startled to see a bright white light with a tail that appeared to pass directly over her head. The object was moving from north to south, and no sound was apparent.”

The object continued to move to a distance of about 30 feet” from the witness “and stopped directly above the roof of my house. The object then appeared as a solid, real white light, and it was

motionless. It then began a pattern of blinking off, then blinking on–at about one-second intervals. I became frightened at that point and ran inside, and that was the last the object was observed.” Stan Gordon

  • Possible Cryptid ID for Glowing Red Object Over “Russia” on March 4, 2022
  • Possible Cryptid ID for Glowing Red Object Over “Russia” on March 4, 2022
  • Possible Cryptid ID for Glowing Red Object Over “Russia” on March 4, 2022
  • Possible Cryptid ID for Glowing Red Object Over “Russia” on March 4, 2022
  • Possible Cryptid ID for Glowing Red Object Over “Russia” on March 4, 2022
  • Possible Cryptid ID for Glowing Red Object Over “Russia” on March 4, 2022

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Possible Cryptid ID for Glowing Red Object Over “Russia” on March 4, 2022

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