The Solar System: The Ultimate Oopart (out of place artifact); Astronomical Enigma-The Titius-Bode Law

The Solar System: The Ultimate Oopart (out of place artifact); Astronomical Enigma-The Titius-Bode Law
The Solar System: The Ultimate Oopart (out of place artifact); Astronomical Enigma-The Titius-Bode Law

The Solar System: The Ultimate Oopart (out of place artifact); Astronomical Enigma-The Titius-Bode Law

by Chris Parker

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place", Psalms 8:3


I wrote my own article on this topic more than 10 years ago. I'm not linking to that article but here I have an article from the Economist which is both less supportive of the idea and more supportive in that they take the idea to planets outside the solar system.

In my mind these phenomena are related to geocentrism, and are evidence of design. I did ask Robert Sungenis (of if he was familiar with the "law" and he was, but had not investigated it enough to really comment on it.  s8intcom

The Enigma

"One of the most confounding enigma’s that we have encountered and examined thus far has been recognized for more than 300 years although it is largely unknown even among astronomers.

This enigma involves the orbits of the planets of our solar system. As is the case with the mysteries of DNA, it is perhaps more difficult to see that an enigma or mystery exists at all but once it is understood, it becomes one of the most astounding "ooparts" to be found on these pages or anywhere else.

Simply put, the orbits of the planets in our solar system are non-random; they have apparently been deliberately placed in their respective orbits.

The basic prevailing “scientific” theory for the formation of the universe is the big bang theory; that matter was once compacted in a very dense small particle that exploded and eventually coalesced into the stars and planets that we see today.
With respect to the planets orbiting the sun, including earth, the assumption is that these newly formed planets were captured by the sun and that they occupy random elliptical orbits around it.

However, such is not the case. Before we examine this enigma, let’s set it up. "Non-randomness" can imply design. It very often does.

For instance, if a group of huge boulders are found at the bottom of a mountain, in an arbitrary dispersion, one might suppose that they may have been carried there by some natural process. However; what if each of the boulders were found to be exactly 1 mile apart—to the millimeter?

It’s certainly possible that two of those huge stones could co-incidentally be exactly 1 mile apart but what if three of the stones were exactly that distance apart?

This is the problem (for materialists, evolutionists etc.) that not just two—but all the planets of this solar system and as far as we can determine--even other solar systems seem to adhere to a mathematical formula which predicts exactly where they will be in relation to the sun.

A relationship that no one has ever been able to solve from the viewpoint of a natural phenomenon. The odds of this kind of astronomical relationship being pure coincidence are of course---astronomical :0)."

Planet Hunting- Bode's Law Lives!
The Economist Aug 24th 2010

"SOMEWHERE, the spirit of Johann Elert Bode is smiling. Bode was a German astronomer who popularized a mathematical rule, which came to be known as Bode's law, in a book published in 1772. According to Bode's law, there is a hidden pattern in the spacing of the orbits of the planets. The orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn fit neatly into this pattern; Uranus, discovered in 1781, also obeyed the law.

But there was a problem: Bode's law predicted that there ought to be a planet between Mars and Jupiter. It was only in 1801 with the discovery of Ceres, the largest of the asteroids, that this gap was neatly plugged.

In the two centuries since, however, Bode's law has fallen from grace. Ceres turned out to be just one of many asteroids orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, rather than a proper planet. Neptune, discovered in 1846, had a much smaller orbit than the law predicted; and Pluto, which is now classed as a "dwarf planet", also failed to fit in with Bode's neat pattern when it was found in 1930.

Bode's law, it seemed, was just a coincidence, an example of the human mind's tendency to find a meaningful pattern where none exists.

But the discovery of a new planetary system by a group of astronomers at the European Southern Observatory, led by Christophe Lovis of the University of Geneva, has reawakened interest in the old rule. Indeed, their paper announcing the discovery refers to Bode's law by name (it actually calls it the Titius-Bode law, namechecking the Prussian astronomer whose idea Bode stole).

The system consists of at least five, and possibly as many as seven, planets orbiting a sun-like star called HD 10180, located 127 light-years away in the constellation of Hydrus.

As the planets orbit the star, they pull it to and fro, causing telltale wobbles in the star's light that can be detected from Earth. Careful analysis of these wobbles reveals the masses of the planets and the sizes and spacing of their orbits.
And it turns out that the spacing of the orbits of the planets around HD 10180 obey a version of Bode's law. The planets look very different from those in the Earth's solar system: five of them are about the size of Neptune, and are closer to their star than Mars is to the sun.

The other two planets, for which the evidence is not quite so strong, are a Saturn-like planet orbiting further out, and a planet only slightly heavier than Earth orbiting very close to the star, so that it completes an orbit every 1.18 Earth days. But never mind that.

The fit with Bode's law is striking, and the astronomers show in their paper that a few other known multi-planetary systems around other stars exhibit a similar fit too, though with fewer planets. There is, in other words, starting to be enough evidence to suggest that Bode's law might not be a complete fluke.

But why might planetary orbits obey such neat patterns, at least some of the time? The researchers speculate that it could be a side-effect of the mechanism by which planetary systems form.
Dr Lovis and his colleagues suggest that when many planetary systems first emerge from a disk of dust and gas around a young star, they are "saturated" with planets. Most of the planets are then weeded out by collisions and ejections, caused by gravitational interaction between adjacent planetary bodies.

Systems with regular planetary spacings then turn out to have the greatest long-term stability, so that they can be observed today. The researchers observe that "the orbital distances of successive planets with similar masses will tend to obey an approximate exponential law, much like the century-long debated and polemical Titius-Bode law in the Solar System."

There are several caveats, of course. "We emphasize that we do not consider these Titius-Bode-like 'laws' as having any other meaning than a possible signature of formation processes," the astronomers insist.
Such laws may only apply to relatively small planets relatively close to their suns.

Systems dominated by very large "super-Jupiter" planets are probably far more chaotic, with gravitational tussles causing planets to end up in all sorts of strange orbits. And Dr Lovis and his colleagues note that "the physics of planet formation is so diverse and complex that we do not expect any universal rule on planet ordering to exist." Still, the idea that there might be something to Bode's law after all has been advanced by a few researchers in recent years as a serious theoretical possibility.

As planet-finding technology improves, more planets are found around other stars and the number of known multiplanetary systems continues to increase, this modern-day revival of Bode's law can now be put to the test.

My old article provides an insight to the consternation that this "law" and results can give to scientists who are unaware of it. The idea is not a favorite of "science" it seems. s8intcom

  • The Solar System: The Ultimate Oopart (out of place artifact); Astronomical Enigma-The Titius-Bode Law
  • The Solar System: The Ultimate Oopart (out of place artifact); Astronomical Enigma-The Titius-Bode Law

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