The Wonder of Three Whale Rock in Thailand-What’s Their Genesis?

The Wonder of Three Whale Rock in Thailand-What’s Their Genesis?
The Wonder of Three Whale Rock in Thailand-What’s Their Genesis?

It fits the scientific paradigm to suggest ancient men were primitive but the pyramids and huge cut stones like the one at Baalbek cut against that view.

There is also a ‘struggle” between bible believers and others about the correct interpretation of many of these wonders around the world. Bible believers are comfortable with the idea that giants existed in the history of this planet. Bible believers are generally comfortable with the idea that pre-flood artifacts exist.

It’s true that creationists can do that to a fault- accept that evidence that suggests giants humans and/or pre-flood artifacts are true proofs of what we generally believe but on the other side, science is forced to find alternative explanations that preserve the current scientific view, no matter how arcane and/or ridiculous those explanations seem.

To wit, an “obvious”, mysterious stone wall found in Mississippi in 1901 (Brandywine Stone Wall )was described this way by a Mr. Watson:

“The sides and angles of the blocks of stone are so perfect that they resemble pressed brick. The tops of these walls are perfectly horizontal and without regard to the unevenness of the earth’s surface. The seams between the tiers are perfectly straight, and each block of stone is perfectly horizontal in position, and these blocks are smoothly dressed on the edges and ends, while the broad surfaces are rough, showing a broken surface brought down to a level plane, but not dressed.

They are held so tightly together by the cement that it is with great difficulty that they are broken up”.

Further: “in a letter which accompanied the drawing Mr. Watson stated that these stones, piled high on each other, cover an area four miles square. Each stone is six feet long, three feet wide, and two feet thick, and they are joined together with an excellent quality of cement. No man knows how they came there. They may have been there for thousands of years. The builders, The Jackson News thinks, were some prehistoric race—it could not be otherwise.”

But then mainstream science came in and said-case closed: "After investigation, Mr. Bushnell decided that the “wall” was “simply a perpendicular stratum of white sandstone of natural formation which presents several outcrops near Brandywine.

At the surface the stone is broken by natural cleavage with blocks of general size of say, 4’ 5” x 2’ 6” x 2’ 1 1/2’’. Between these is a soft deposit of so-called “Cement” found upon examination at the Mineralogical Museum of Harvard University by Dr. Palache , to consist of decomposed sandstone, produced by weathering possibly, with perhaps some admixture of iron”. (iron is often an ingredient in cement).”

In Paluxy, Texas, where dinosaur footprints were alleged to have been discovered along with human prints, the final conclusion of science was that they simply looked like human footprints but were in fact, dinosaur footprints made by some as yet discovered dinosaur species.

When you think about it, the science paradigm has no choice but to debunk all such artifacts, items and archaeological features as not being falsifying to the current view.

In the giant pre-flood artifact category are items such as the geographical features that some creationists are willing to accept are petrified gigantic tree trunks all over the world.

There are pictures of men standing on top of giant seeds from such a tree an even Google Earth pictures of entire trees or branches including leaves.

It’s a pretty extraordinary claim but it could be that the Garden of Eden covered a large portion of the planet. The more we see, the less we know- on both sides of the belief spectrum.

All this to get to “Three Whale Rock” in Thailand.

“Hin Sam Wan (Thai: หินสามวาฬ, lit. 'three whales rock') is a 75-million-year-old rock formation protruding out of a mountain in Phou Sing, Bueng Kan Province, Thailand, near the Mekong River. It is so named because, from certain angles, the rocks look like a family of whales. Only two of the rocks (the "mother whale" and "father whale") are accessible by foot; the "baby whale" cannot be reached.” Wikipedia
Reachable by an extensive network of trails, a hike to these impressive stone leviathans makes for a breathtakingly memorable, not to mention eco-friendly way for visitors to explore the amazing views and surrounding forests.

From the vantage point atop these “whales”, you can see the beaches of the Mekong, the mountains in Pakkading district of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Phu Wua Forest.

They at least have a similitude to certain ocean-going mammals that exist today. There are theories out there as to the provenance of these “rocks” which I won’t go into but what is the prosaic explanation for three apparently separate outcroppings that all have the same pareidolia--like seeing three identical objects in a cloud?

"Reachable by an extensive network of trails, a hike to these impressive stone leviathans makes for a breathtakingly memorable, not to mention eco-friendly way for visitors to explore the amazing views and surrounding forests.

From the vantage point atop these “whales”, you can see the beaches of the Mekong, the mountains in Pakkading district of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Phu Wua Forest." National Geographic. 18.2510130°N 103.8139376°E

How were these rocks formed? Why don’t they look like other geographical features nearby? Why and how did they become so smooth?

The explainers are out in force and of course, they may be right.

What do you think?

  • The Wonder of Three Whale Rock in Thailand-What’s Their Genesis?
  • The Wonder of Three Whale Rock in Thailand-What’s Their Genesis?
  • The Wonder of Three Whale Rock in Thailand-What’s Their Genesis?
  • The Wonder of Three Whale Rock in Thailand-What’s Their Genesis?
  • The Wonder of Three Whale Rock in Thailand-What’s Their Genesis?

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