Un-intelligent Design: No Purpose for Vestigial Ear-Wiggling Reflex

Un-intelligent Design: No Purpose for Vestigial Ear-Wiggling Reflex
Un-intelligent Design: No Purpose for Vestigial Ear-Wiggling Reflex

Un-intelligent Design: No Purpose for Vestigial Ear-Wiggling Reflex
By Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor

"Around the human ear are tiny, weak muscles that once would have let evolutionary ancestors pivot their ears to and fro. Today, the muscles aren't capable of moving much — but their reflex action still exists.

These muscles are vestigial, meaning they're remnants of evolution that once had a purpose but no longer do."

S8intcom: Vestigial is quickly becoming a synonym for ignorance. As in,  "we scientist's don't know what the organ/system does so we will claim its vestigial and try to use it to promote evolutionary theory."

This claim is one of double ignorance though. I personally can move both of my ears- the left one I can wave at you- and of course I know others who can do it as well. (I've got to work the right ear out more)

The article notes that the muscle system is intact--so--what kind of evolution accounts for humans maintaining a functioning small muscle system over "millions of years" although it has "no function"?

Most vestigial organs have gone the way of the flip phone. As we learned better we did better. When we (science) finally figured out what these "vestigial" items actually did -we did better. We left that specific ignorance behind. When someone claims that an organ is vestigial they are merely throwing up their hands and saying "I got nothing".

I can move my ears but to what purpose? Some say it helps move ear wax up to the front of the ear--but to be sure they work as designed.

".....of the 180 or so organs that have been called vestigial in humans, all have been shown to have function. Last, and most importantly, for this type of argument to be used, one has to assume evolution to be true in the first place! So, if vestigial organs are obviously left over from our evolutionary heritage, then evolution must be true. Here evolution is assumed to be true in order to make the argument. This is a logical fallacy, called begging the question." Answers in Genesis

Famous Atheist Richard Dawkins made spectacular negative (toward God) claims about "junk DNA" and the design of the eye which recent events have served to make him look--ignorant.

A wave a disapproving finger and ear at him and his fellow travelers.



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  • Un-intelligent Design: No Purpose for Vestigial Ear-Wiggling Reflex

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