1925: Dune Dwellers” in Ancient Mongolia Made Jewelry from the Eggs of Giant Ostriches---- and Dinosaurs?!

1925: Dune Dwellers” in Ancient Mongolia Made Jewelry from the Eggs of Giant Ostriches---- and Dinosaurs?!
1925: Dune Dwellers” in Ancient Mongolia Made Jewelry from the Eggs of Giant Ostriches---- and Dinosaurs?!

Roy Chapman Andrews of the American Museum of Natural History, the American Headquarters for Evolutionary Theory in 1925 Found That “Dune Dwellers” in Ancient Mongolia Made Jewelry from the Eggs of Giant Ostriches---- and Dinosaurs?!

By Chris Parker, February 2024

“Roy Chapman Andrews (January 26, 1884 – March 11, 1960) was an American explorer, adventurer and naturalist who became the director of the American Museum of Natural History.
He led a series of expeditions through the politically disturbed China of the early 20th century into the Gobi Desert and Mongolia. The expeditions made important discoveries and brought the first-known fossil dinosaur eggs to the museum.

Chapman's popular writing about his adventures made him famous.” Wikipedia

Andrews was on his third “Asiatic Expedition” in 1925 pursuing evidence to support his out of Asia theory for the “ascent of man” working with the American Museum of Natural History, the veritable American science center for evolutionary theory.

Andrews, who was considered a scientist-adventurer became the actual director of the museum a decade later. Andrews was likely the primary model for Indiana Jones of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” movie fame.
Andrews is towing the evolutionary line to the extent that he attempts to portray these dune dwellers as “primitive” but they had tools and weapons, made jewelry and buried their dead.

Just your average human beings.

Recent genetic studies have shown that past descriptions of people like the Denisovans, Cro-Magnons, Neanderthals etc. as pre-men or near men o cousins to "modern man" were incorrect.
They shared the same DNA and were all known to intermarry, presuming that they did so in God’s way.

See: No More Cave Men https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=898657012265467&id=100063635301086

Before we get to the article below it is worth reviewing how the shells of the ostrich and presumably of the dinosaur were used to make ornamental jewelry of the type discovered by Andrews and his expedition.
This type of Jewelry is still made today by a few artisans who only need a fresh source of ostrich eggs or eggshell fragments because of course, one can’t make jewelry from fossilized eggs, i.e. rocks.

“How the Beads are Made (Today)

The making of the beads is a long and laborious task.

1.) The first step is to break the ostrich eggshells into chips. 2.) Then each chip is made round by a springbok horn or nail clippers-whichever is readily available.
3.) Next, a hole is started in each chip with a hand-drill then punched through with a small awl. 4.) Next the drilled chips are strung and laid across a wooden board. 5.) Using a whetstone, the chips are hand polished. The strings are wet, rubbed, then, wet some more. Through this tedious and strenuous task the rough chips are transformed into lovely luminous beads.” …Womensworkbw.com 

American Scientific Expedition Expelled by Mongolian Government;
Party Finds Traces of “Earliest Men
Stone Implements and Weapons and Dinosaur Egg Ornaments of “ Dune Dwellers” Uncovered in Desert.
(By The Associated Press.)

PEKING, Aug. 19.- Stone implements and weapons of a race of men who lived thousands of years ago among sand dunes on the shore of a lake since swallowed up by the Gobi Desert have been found far in the interior of Mongolia by the third Asiatic expedition of the American Museum of Natural History.

Roy Chapman Andrews, leader of the expedition, disclosed in Peking today.

These primitive men bored the shells and made ornaments of the eggs left by the dinosaur, the giant reptile that roamed the Asiatic uplands some 10,000,000 years ago, Mr. Andrews said.
They used for the same purpose the shells of a gigantic ostrich, long since extinct.

Mr. Andrews believes his expedition has uncovered traces of the earliest type of man yet discovered.

He has named them the “dune dwellers of Shabarrack Ussu.", using the name of the site of the find. "In these dune dwellers," he said. "we believe we have found the earliest type of man in his development from the ape."

Mr. Andrews, who has been in Peking for several days, was on the eve of his return to the expedition, which he left about 300 miles northwest of Kalgan, the original jump off point for the expedition in Northwestern Chihli Province, China..

(This locates the present encampment of the expedition southeastern outer Mongolia.)

Traveled 4,000 Miles

Since entering Mongolia last spring they have traversed more than 4.000 miles, penetrating as far as the Altai Mountains, in far Western Mongolia.

The scientist-explorer described other rare finds including traces of other primitive men, forty more dinosaur eggs to add to the collection of twenty-five brought out of the Gobi two years ago, and skeletons or two men who came after the stone age men, but before the Mongolian race peopled the upper Asiatic plains.

The American scientists also found the skulls of two animal types which Mr. Andrews believes illustrate the evolution of animal life from the reptile to the mammal stage. These were primitive beasts about the size of rats. Their skulls, fossilized, were found imbedded in a rock formation which is dated two or three million years before the age of mammals.

Many Types of Eggs

The new finds of dinosaur eggs show many different types, some small and quite smooth, others large. One nest of twelve eggs was found neatly arranged in two tiers of six.

Fourteen eggs found at the top of a 300-foot cliff which were asserted to be those of the genus protoceratops, a dinosaur which is considered the ancestor of the great American flesh-eating species of this giant reptile.
The two human skeletons found showed definite evidence of having been buried.

They were of a later period than that of the "dune dwellers," but definitely before the incursion of the Mongolian races.

The expedition also found a few implements which belong to the Mousterian classification, older even than the "dune dwellers" tools, which are likened to the implements of the Azilian culture found in Europe.

(Both Mousterian and, Azilian are classifications coming under the general group of paleolithic, or old stone, cultures.)

The "dune dwellers," according to the evidence of the traces uncovered by the American expedition, lived in a basin among dunes of sand, where once was the shoreline of a lake. Here the searchers discovered an abundance of flint and jasper implements and weapons and the remains of fireplaces along the vanished waterfront, with charred animal bones and layers of ashes.

No human bones were found.

Mr. Andrews expressed the opinion that here were Indications of a primitive culture that went from Europe to Asia.”


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Acts 2:38 How to respond to the gospel.

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  • 1925: Dune Dwellers” in Ancient Mongolia Made Jewelry from the Eggs of Giant Ostriches---- and Dinosaurs?!
  • 1925: Dune Dwellers” in Ancient Mongolia Made Jewelry from the Eggs of Giant Ostriches---- and Dinosaurs?!
  • 1925: Dune Dwellers” in Ancient Mongolia Made Jewelry from the Eggs of Giant Ostriches---- and Dinosaurs?!
  • 1925: Dune Dwellers” in Ancient Mongolia Made Jewelry from the Eggs of Giant Ostriches---- and Dinosaurs?!

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